Results for « 仔细 考虑 » (cmn)
00812580-v (1)
V1, V2
仔细 考虑, 仔细考虑, 辩论, 论战
debate, deliberate
     discuss the pros and cons of an issue
00813044-v (16)
V1, V2
熟虑, 考虑, 争论, 斟酌, 仔细 考虑, 仔细考虑, 权衡, 思量, 推敲
consider, debate, deliberate, moot, turn over
     think about carefully; weigh
01066292-v (1)
在想一想, 在 想 一想, 仔细 考虑, 仔细考虑, 再思
think twice
     consider and reconsider carefully
06767035-n (1)
仔细考虑, 评论, 仔细 考虑, 观摩, 感想
observation, reflection, reflexion
     a remark expressing careful consideration
00630380-v (48)
默想, , 沉思, 考虑, 仔细 考虑, 仔细考虑, 冥思苦想, 细想, 思考
reflect, muse, ponder, meditate, think over, chew over, contemplate, mull, speculate, excogitate, mull over, ruminate
     reflect deeply on a subject
01271961-a (3)
深思熟虑+的, 审慎+的, 深思 熟虑, 谨慎, 深思熟虑, 缜密, 谨慎+的, 慎重, 仔细 考虑, 审慎, 慎重+的, 仔细考虑
deliberate, careful, measured
     unhurried and with care and dignity


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